Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Dr. Jorgensen's Book is HOT OFF THE PRESS!

This week I finished something I have been working on for four years.  Yes, four long years.  I finally pulished my first book!  "Healthy Mouth, Healthy YOU!  Holistic Dental Guide" is now available on Amazon as a print book and ebook.

As an avid book reader, I have read thousands of words and pages in my lifetime.  After writing my own book, I appreciate every work others have written even more.  Every single word was written, edited, rethought, and edited again.  It's certainly not a task for the fain of heart!

So why did I do it?  The subtitle on the book is "Transforming Your Whole-Body Health Starts in the Mouth".  I set out to learn more about the profession of dentistry and on the road there round that the mouth is the first indicator of health problems, a contributor to overall health concerns, and sometimes the main source of the problem completely.

I would love all of you to read the book.  Not for me, but for you.  I want you to be able to take charge of your health and really know what's going on.  I want you to have hope for a disease free future.  I want you to be HEALTHY!

Right now we are giving away the book for free.  You only have to pay the $4.99 shipping on it.  If you would like a book, please call us at 801-756-3737 and we will get it mailed to you asap.

I've included my introduction below.  If you're interested, I would be honored to share what I've learned with you.  Remember, Healthy Mouth Healthy YOU!

I  come from a family of dentists.  That's just what we do.  My father has been practicing for nearly 40 years, and because he loves dentistry, it has been his hobby as well as his profession.  Three of my younger brothers and I watched this passion and decided to follow in his footsteps.

I was trained to perform traditional dental procedures in school, and continued my education over nights and weekends after graduating.  I couldn't get enough!  I too grew to love this profession and though I would work for forty years, just like my dad.  Then my health issues started.

It was nothing big at first, just some digestive issues.  I thought it probably had something to do with what we were eathing.  As a busy mom of four young kids, I realized out entire family could benefit from some changes.  I started reading and researching, and we started slowly.  We started having a green smoothie for breakfast.  I had to pay my kids to drink them for the first month, but the habit stuck.

I was blown away at this whole new way of eating and looking at food.  It wasn't just about calories or yumminess, it was about how we wanted to fuel out bodies.  Again, I couldn't get enough!  I continued to learn and implement things over time and started to see changes.  All of us noticed a difference in our health.  The kids didn't get sick anymore.  My husband dropped ten pounds.  Most of my digestive issues went away.

Things were looking up, but it wasn't all better.  I continued having some nagging digestive issues, and, more of a concern, I was having numbness in my right arm and hand.  Many doctors and chiropractors later, no one had any answers for me.  Then my memory started to slip.  I've always had an excellent memory, and I felt like my brain was filled with fog.  What was going on!?

I needed to find the answer, so I continued to larn about nutrition, and eventually ventured into alternative health.  I became a Therapeutic Nutritional Counselor to learn more.  I tried muscle testing, energy work, Biofeedback, acupuncture, Infrared saunas, supplements, Homeopathy, essential oils, massage, super foods...and on and on.  No changes.  It was tough to get out of bed each morning, let alone put on a happy face for 20-30 patients each day.  I was depressed, couldn't remember things, had no energy and was ready to quit dentistry.

As a last effort, I decided to look into holistic dentistry.  Perhaps I could slow down and so nutritional counseling instead of dental procedures.  It would be easier on my body.  I found a successful holistic dentist and shared my story with him.  He signed and said, "You shound just like me ten years ago.  Have you looked into mercury poisening?"

I didn't know what he was talking about.  I hadn't placed a mercury filling in over 10 years (the profession calls them "amalgam" or "Silver", but any non-gold metal filling is 50% mercury).  He told me the problem isn't when you place the filling, it's when you remove it.  When a dentist removes an old mercury filling, it sends mercury vapors into the air.  I had been removing multiple mercury fillings every day for the last 10 years, without any sort of protection.  I had a very probable case of mercury poisoning.

After a heavy metal test, I found I did indeed have very high levels of mercury.  Finally, I had an answer!  I started a lengthy detox program, and slowly felt my energy and my memory return.  I wondered what other harmful things were going on in my dental practice every day.  I realized I had come a long way in my understanding about nutrition.  Now it was time for me to transition my dental practice into a place where I could restore health, not just fix teeth.

True to form, I couldn't get my hands on information quickly enough.  I bouth every Holistic dental book on Amazon and tried to read them all in a week!  I learned about programs and bought videos.  I studied research articles and started trying things in my practice.  Most of my patients liked this change in focus, and it felt good.  I started to enjoy dentistry again!

Through all of this study, I learned two things.  First, there are a lot of myths and contr0versial subjects in dentistry, and most people are either far on the alternative side or far on the traditional side.  I couldn't find many that ventured toward the middle.  You might ask why I want to be in the middle.  Well, what I found through years and mountains of research was that some dentists were too strident, too enraged, too frustrated to be objective.  They have a "they are out to get us" mentality that I don't relate to, ignoring all that is good in the traditional dental model.  Others in traditional dentistry ignore strong evidentce that practices we accept as "standard of care" are outdated, and have proven to be harmful, or even potentially toxic or dangerous.

The second thing I learned is that the information is too technical and way too lengthy for most people to read.  Some of the books are over a ninch thick.  Even I didn't want to read them, and I'm a dentist!  I decided I wantd to provide an  easy to read, easy to follow, honest guide to dentistry.  These are not the results of research studies in an isolated lab, these are my results from day to day practice with people just like you.  This book is very personal to me, because the things I will share saved my health and my career.  I hope they can help you too.


Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, DDS, FAGD, TNC, CNAS