Monday, December 10, 2018

Holiday Health Challenge!

We are usually pretty resistant to illness around my house, but this week it hit my husband and son pretty hard.  They have been sniffling and coughing and spreading their germs all over the house!  My daughter and I are dead set on not getting this bug, so we are hitting the sickness-prevention hard!

Some of the things we are doing:
  1. Lots of Vitamin C.  
·         The best form for your body to uptake is Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.  It comes in packets, and during this time of year we take one in the morning and one at night.  It doesn’t taste very good, but there is a trick to taking it.  Squeeze the gel right into your mouth, then wash it down with lots of water.  It is better that way then adding it to the water.
·         Oranges, grapefruit, lemons.  These are all in season right now, so eat up!

Whole Orange Julius Recipe
2 cups water
1 cup ice
3 oranges, peelings and pith cut off
1 banana
1 t vanilla extract

Blend all up in high speed blender for 1 minute.  Add more ice if you want it colder. Enjoy!

     2.  Cold Busting Gingerade for everyone!  
·         I made up a big batch of this and keep it in a thermos.  That way people can come and drink a cup at a time and it’s always warm and ready for them.
·         You can choose not to add the cayenne if you are having children drink it.  They tend to make a fuss if it’s spicy!

Dr. Js Cold Busting Gingerade
1 qt water
1 T grated ginger
Dash of cayenne (optional)
Boil together for 15 minutes.  Strain out the solids and add:
¼ C honey
Juice of one lemon.

Drink 1-2 Cups every few hours until feeling better.

     3. Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks
·         My husband loves these drinks, and they are expensive in the store to buy, so he’s made his own versions (with a little help from the internet) that taste just like the store-bought version!
·         These are very antiviral and great for cold and flu prevention!

Steve’s Apple Cider Knock Out Viruses Drinks
1 1/2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon stevia
2 cups of cold water
Mix together and serve cold.

1 1/2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup organic Concord grape juice
1 teaspoon stevia
1 1/2 cups of cold water
Mix together and serve cold.

Ginger Spice
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon stevia
2 cups of cold water
Mix together and serve cold.

Honey Cayenne
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons honey (ideally raw/local)
1 dash cayenne pepper
2 cups of warm/hot water
Mix together until honey has dissolved. Serve warm or chill in the fridge.

     4. Lots of Vitamin D
·         I know, this isn’t usually the vitamin you use during cold season, but it should be.  Take 10,000- 50,000 IUs immediately when you feel something coming on, and you may not get sick at all.
·         You can take these high doses of Vitamin D for a short period of time.  Continue for 2-3 days until no signs of sickness remain.

     5. Get your sleep!
·         I’m pretty sure this is why my husband got sick this time around.  We have been finishing our new wellness center, and he has been carrying all of the remodel on his shoulders.  Too many late nights an early mornings and worry have taken his immune system down. 
·         During the holidays, it’s so important to get enough sleep to stay healthy.  Research has shown 7 ½ hours to be the ideal amount.  Stay tuned for more sleep info in coming weeks.  I’ve been learning a ton and can’t wait to share!

Stay well this holiday by trying some of these cold and flu prevention drinks and vitamins.  Let us know if they help!

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen