Debunking Some Diet and Nutrition Myths!
you ever had a time when you didn’t feel like you were going to keep
up? Like you’re running on top of a spinning wheel….the wheel spins
faster and faster and you’re sure you are going to fall flat on your
face or get thrown off the back end. Have you ever felt like that??
That’s a perfect description of my week last week!
crazy started with the birth of NINE baby goats in my backyard! I was
there for all of them, and let me just tell you, birth truly is a
miracle. These adorable babies are up walking around on shaky legs five
minutes after being born, and eating 30 minutes later. All the mommas and babies are doing great, and they have taken over our yard!
The crazy ended with me speaking at the Latter Day Learning Conference at American Heritage school on Saturday.
The title of my presentation was “5 Simple Secrets to Raising Healthy
Families Today”. I talked about our life and how we survive our
craziness and stay healthy through it all. The handouts for the
presentation can be found on the www.totalcaredental.com website, along with some great family-friendly recipes.
5 obstacles to being healthy
are 5 common obstacles I’ve heard that get in the way of us raising
healthy families. We all want that - right? I’ve never met anyone that
said they want to be unhealthy, or they wish their kids were weak and
sickly! I think it’s safe to say health and happiness are common
goals. What are these obstacles?
- It costs too much to eat healthy
- It takes too much time to do all of these healthy things
- My kids are picky and won’t eat healthy foods
- I don’t know enough to help my family be healthy
- There are so many opinions, I don’t know where to start
you relate with any of these? I think we all can! For me, #2 is the
big one. TIME!!! I often have twice as many things I’d like to do as I
have time for. So what tips and tricks help with these obstacles? If
you want the full scoop, download the handouts, but one of the answers
to #5 isn’t on the handout, and I would love to tell you more.
Frustrated with conflicting nutrition information?
talk to people all the time that are so frustrated because they are
following the latest and greatest “diet of the month” with little or
undesired results. So I have one trick for you that so far has been
fool proof.
The trick - let nature be your guide.
does that mean? Let’s start with an example: You have probably heard
of the green smoothie trend (or have added smoothies to your diet - like
I have.) When I first made those smoothies, I would put handfuls of
greens in each one. We would load up at Costco each week to keep the
supply coming.
Greens, greens
Costco, can I get that many greens, 365 days per year in Pleasant Grove
Utah? I am growing greens outside in my greenhouse and cold frames
right now, but I’m barely getting enough greens for a salad every couple
of days. Most people don’t even have that luxury. So if we’re using
nature as our guide, we shouldn’t be having handfuls of greens every day
during the winter. (keep reading to find out if nature is right…)
April, we will have more greens than we can possibly know what to do
with. Literally! So April must be a good time for greens - and it is.
Our bodies are waking up from the long winter’s nap and heavy foods.
We need greens to help clean out and start fresh. Funny - that’s when
the greens are growing. Someone must have planned that one out!
is there a problem with using modern technology and grocery stores for
year round greens? I used to say no, but now I say a very loud YES!
Greens, namely spinach, kale, swiss chard, collards and beet greens all
have oxalic acid in them. In small amounts this isn’t a big deal, but
in handfuls a day, it can be. That oxalic acid interferes with the
absorption of calcium.
I have patients with teeth that have literally dissolved away because
they eat too many greens. If your body can’t absorb calcium because of
the oxalic acid in these greens, it pulls calcium from readily available
source like your teeth and bones. So your teeth and bones dissolve.
are two solutions - take a break from greens for a while, or cook and
dehydrate them before using in your smoothie. (cooking removes some of
the oxalic acid)
Nuts for nuts
for another nature-guide example? Nuts. Have you even harvested
nuts? It is SO labor intensive! You have to pick the nut, remove the
outside husk, crack the nut and try to pick the pieces out of the
crushed shell. By that time I don’t even want the nut anymore!
lot of gluten free cooking has substituted nuts for other grains in
cooking. Some recipes call for cups of almond meal or cups of soaked
cashews. Should we be eating that much? (play scary music here)
Nature would say no. And I do too. Nuts also have oxalic acid in
them, and phytic acid, which is an anti nutrient. Both of these acids
make the nutrients you eat less absorbable. You can eat an amazing diet
and completely undo all the good you’ve done by eating an excess of
nuts. Wow again.
are two reasons people who are very careful with their diet still get
cavities and have dental erosion (teeth dissolving). So nature is an
excellent guide. If something is difficult to harvest, like nuts, that
means we should eat them sparingly and with a little reverence! If
something is in season, NOW is the time to eat it. Then take a break
when it is not in season any longer. People are surprised when I tell
them I don’t eat salads in the middle of the summer. Why? Lettuce
isn’t in season - it’s too hot. I eat peaches and pears, tomatoes,
squash and green beans. They are in season, and my body needs the
nutrients they provide right when they are available. I’ll say it again
- someone must have planned that one!
Moderation is key
in all things. If a diet trend says to eat something exclusively or in
large amounts or leave something out entirely, let nature be the one
that guides what you do. Your health and happiness with be better
because you paid attention. Here’s to spring!
Love, Dr.Michelle Jorgensen
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