This is why we love our work at Total Care Dental. We believe that 80% of health problems can be solved with great dentistry!
"Please let Dr. Jorgenson know that Tim is doing extremely well. Stacey and I are blown away by how well he is doing. Tim had been so sick, no strength, couldn't think clearly and couldn't form cohesive sentences. He would just forget words and couldn't get them to come out. Even on the way home from the surgery, he talked with energy in his voice. He said that his shoulder wasn't aching. He has not been this good in a long time. He acts like nothing happened today. We know this is miraculous just like it was for Stacey.
Tim had his regular doctor appointment last week. They thought he had blood clots but had no idea where. They took a lot of blood and ran tests. They called yesterday with the results. Tim's kidneys were in failure. I should get him to a nephrologist ASAP! I was calm about this because I knew that Stacey had been in worse kidney failure right before her cavitation surgery. And her recovery was immediate. I felt confident that this would make a difference as well for Tim. It has!!! He has color in his cheeks. His mind is much clearer.
I cannot thank all of you enough!!
Wishing you a healthy, happy Thanksgiving!
Dr. Michelle Jorgensen and the Total Care Dental Team
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