Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Fresh, Kissable Breath...The Natural Way!

"Let's Share the Rest of our Lives...and our 80 Million Mouth Bacteria with Each Other!"
Tip #1:  Clean Them!

Why??  Your mouth bugs hide on your tongue.  If they stay, they spread and smell bad.  Clean your tongue every night with a tongue scraper.  (A toothbrush isn't enough).

How??  After brushing, use a tongue scraper.  Scrape tongue from back to front and rinse.  Repeat until clean.

Tip #2:  Pull Them Out!

Why??  Of the 80 billion microbes in your mouth, some are good, some are bad.  Remove the bad guys with oil pulling.  Like a magnet, the oil pulls the microbes out from hiding places your toothbrush can't reach.
How??  Use two teaspoons of coconut oil. 
Place into your mouth and swish for 10-15  minutes.  Spit into garbage can.  Do this  daily, preferably before eating.                   

Tip #3:  Freshen it Up!

Why??  The mouthwashes and mints/gum typicallysold for fresh breath can actually make the problem worse!  Both the alcohol in mouthwash and the sugar in mints and gum cause more gus to grow!

How??  Use a mouthwash without alcohol containing mint or gum if you want fresh
                                                        breath to last.



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