Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Spring Clean Your Teeth!

But I Brush and Floss All the Time!?

Being a dentist is like being on an island at times...and it's not the kind of island you and I are both dreaming about visiting!   Dentists often work alone, and don't interact much with other dentists.  It can get a little lonely and isn't a great way to work if you want to stay at the front of the pack.  That is one of the beautiful things about our team of doctors at Total Care Dental.  We spend time collaborating and sharing daily.  We learn from one another and help each other become better.   I am also involved in some online forums that discuss all things dental.

On one forum I've become a bit of a renegade.  I jump into conversations that are very traditional and throw in ideas about nutrition and diet and herbal or homeopathic treatments.  I'm sure some of the members roll their eyes when they see me post!  But there are a few that have quietly reached out to find out more about what we are doing.  It's those dentists that make me excited about the future of dentistry! 

Just tonight there was a conversation about the cause of gum disease.  The usual talk is all about keeping teeth clean.  If the teeth are clean the gums won't get infected...or so says the majority of dentists.  I disagree.  I've seen too many people with sparkling clean teeth that have gum infection and even full-fledged gum disease.  Are they closet dirty teeth people that just get them spiffed up before their dental appointment?  I don't think so.  Despite what you might think, we CAN tell if you clean your teeth or not! 

So, if cleaning your teeth isn't all it takes to have healthy gums and teeth, what else is involved?  It goes back to nutrition again.  And one thing about nutrition that is often overlooked is absorption.  You can eat the most amazing foods and take the most expensive supplements, but if your gut doesn't absorb them, you just threw your food and money down the drain. 

What does it take to absorb food?  Stomach acid to start.  And in our stressed-out world, many of us are LOW in stomach acid.  Yep, low.  And low acid leads to acid reflux.  Again, you read that right.  Low acid leads to food fermenting which leads to acid being pushed up and you feel the symptoms of reflux.  You need to have enough acid to break down your food into usable parts that your gut can absorb.  If you think you have a problem with this, talk to us or your health care provider.  Your gums depend on it!

What does all of this have to do with sparkling Spring-Cleaned teeth and healthy cleaning products?  It's also an absorption thing!  Everything you put into your mouth gets absorbed through the gums.  You wouldn't want to put antifreeze in your mouth, but you are every time you brush with regular commercial toothpaste.  And you're absorbing it.  You wouldn't drink high proof alcohol, but you are when you swish with Listerine or other alcohol containing mouth rinses. 

Some recommended products:
Toothpaste - Earthpaste (Redmond), On-guard Toothpaste (DoTerrra)
Mouth Rinses - Any alcohol-free variety

These are a few tips to lead to a healthy mouth and healthy body.  Because we want to help you be the best you ever this year!

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

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